
country dog Learn more about country dog

  • How much is the local dog commonly known as the Chinese Pastoral Dog? The cost and profit of keeping 50 country dogs?

    How much is the local dog commonly known as the Chinese Pastoral Dog? The cost and profit of keeping 50 country dogs?

    Chinese pastoral dogs are commonly known as local dogs. In rural areas, local dogs are caretakers, so most households have native dogs, and there are many breeds of them. As far as the price is concerned, the price will be different if the variety is different. So, commonly known as the Chinese pastoral dog

    2020-11-11 Commonly known as China pastoral dog native dog price more less money
  • How much is a dog? Is it a large dog? Can I be a pet dog?

    How much is a dog? Is it a large dog? Can I be a pet dog?

    In the past, almost every family in the countryside kept a dog, and wherever they went, they could hear the barking of dogs, but now the conditions are good, and there are fewer people. So how much does it cost to keep one now? Is it a large dog? Can you be a pet dog like in the city? it is understood

    2020-11-11 dog how much how much money one yes belongs to large
  • How do local dogs raise local dogs? what do local dogs eat?

    How do local dogs raise local dogs? what do local dogs eat?

    We all know that local dogs raised in rural areas generally do not feed dog food, and it is normal for dogs to eat whatever their owners eat. The editor thinks that the local dog is the best dog to keep. He is vaccinated regularly to protect the owner, protect the owner's property, and eat whatever the owner eats.

    2020-11-08 The country dog how raise eat what we all know the farmer the village
  • How old can native dogs (Chinese pastoral dogs) grow up?

    How old can native dogs (Chinese pastoral dogs) grow up?

    What we often see in the countryside should be local dogs, gentle and obedient, very loyal to their owners. So how old can the country dog grow? Let's take a look at this question together. 1. How much can a native dog grow? the calculation of the age of a native dog is different from that of human beings, which can generally grow to ten.

    2020-11-11 Local dogs Chinese pastoral dogs can grow how old in the countryside everyone
  • How much is a Kango dog?

    How much is a Kango dog?

    How much is a Kango dog?

  • Breeding techniques of Meat Dogs

    Breeding techniques of Meat Dogs

    Breeding techniques of Meat Dogs

  • Can you use a dog to raise chickens in the orchard?

    Can you use a dog to raise chickens in the orchard?

    Raising chickens in the orchard can be guarded by dogs, and the chickens are most afraid of attacks by animals such as eagles and weasels, as well as chicken thieves, so keeping a dog can help owners protect the chickens very well, and they will generally choose Chinese pastoral dogs, which is what we usually call country dogs. Okay.

    2020-11-08 Orchard chicken can be used dog look Mo summary orchard can
  • What animal is raccoon? How to breed in artificial breeding?

    What animal is raccoon? How to breed in artificial breeding?

    Raccoon dog is an endemic animal in East Asia, mainly produced in China, the former Soviet Union, Korea, Japan, Mongolia and other countries, divided into many subspecies. Raccoon's appearance and fox are very similar, now some places in our country have no their figure. The economic value of the raccoon is very high, so people

    2020-11-11 raccoon dog seed what animal artificial breeding time how
  • Suggestions on strengthening the management of dog raising in urban and rural residents

    Suggestions on strengthening the management of dog raising in urban and rural residents

    1 to strengthen leadership and raise awareness that government departments at all levels should vigorously publicize the harmfulness of rabies to people's health and the medical knowledge of rabies prevention and control. The whole people should mobilize to control and eliminate rabies together. 2 to formulate unified laws and regulations for the prevention and control of rabies as soon as possible, dogs, as animals, should be managed by the supervision department of animal epidemic prevention in accordance with the provisions of the Animal epidemic Prevention Law, formulate implementation measures as soon as possible, clarify the main body of law enforcement, and other departments actively cooperate, the management of rabies will be accepted.

  • The training method of how to train a pug dog

    The training method of how to train a pug dog

    Pug is a kind of famous dog in China, which is distributed in many parts of our country at present. The pug has short hair and a lot of skin drooping on the top of his head, which is very similar to the Shapi. Now many people will buy pugs and raise them at home, but in

    2020-11-08 Bugs dogs how training methods buddies yes our country
  • The meaning of selling dog meat by hanging a sheep's head

    The meaning of selling dog meat by hanging a sheep's head

    The meaning of selling dog meat by hanging a sheep's head

  • Breeding Prospect of Meat Dog

    Breeding Prospect of Meat Dog

    Breeding Prospect of Meat Dog

  • When is the best time for dog breeding?

    When is the best time for dog breeding?

    When puppies reach a certain age after birth, male dogs can produce sperm with the ability to fertilize, which is called sexual maturity. Maturity does not mean that it is possible to reproduce, because the dog is not yet fully mature. About 12 months of age is the appropriate time to start breeding. In general, the sexual maturity of small dogs is earlier, while that of large dogs is later. It is generally believed that sexual maturity is 8-12 months old after birth, and there are 6 months earlier. It's different all over the country. Small and medium-sized dogs are 1.5 years old and have a high survival rate of reproduction.

  • How do you keep a local dog?

    How do you keep a local dog?

    The native dog, also known as the Chinese Pastoral Dog, is the oldest domestic dog in China. It has the characteristics of honesty, honesty, housekeeping and meekness. Almost every family in the countryside has a native dog. Next, I'd like to introduce how to raise a local dog. The puppies should have a regular life and be fed

    2020-11-11 Country dog how raise country dog also bark Chinese pastoral dog it is
  • How old is the dog when he wants to get married?

    How old is the dog when he wants to get married?

    When puppies reach a certain age after birth, male dogs can produce sperm with the ability to fertilize, which is called sexual maturity. Maturity does not mean that it is possible to reproduce, because the dog is not yet fully mature. About 12 months of age is the appropriate time to start breeding. In general, the sexual maturity of small dogs is earlier, while that of large dogs is later. It is generally believed that sexual maturity is 8-12 months old after birth, and there are 6 months earlier. It's different all over the country. Small and medium-sized dogs aged 1-1.5 years old, reproduce and survive.

  • What are the natural enemies of chickens?

    What are the natural enemies of chickens?

    Chicken is one of the most important poultry in China, and almost every family has breeding, especially free-range chickens, which are very popular in the market, but when raising chickens, we must pay attention to their natural enemies. What are the natural enemies of that chicken? First, what are the natural enemies of chickens? The natural enemies of chickens are weasels, cats,

    2020-11-11 Chicken natural enemy have which chicken is our country important poultry
  • Qinglong Dog, excellent Meat Dog breed

    Qinglong Dog, excellent Meat Dog breed

    In recent years, with the continuous improvement of the efficiency of meat dog breeding, meat dog breeding is getting hotter and hotter. However, the systematic investigation and evaluation of improved dog resources have not been carried out in our country, which brings inconvenience to the promotion and development of the dog industry, so the selection of good dog breeds in the breeding process has become an important work for many kennels. Beijing Huafa special breeding farm has selected Qinglong Dog as an excellent breed after breeding and promotion. The dog is resistant to rough feeding and cold, and is suitable for raising in the Central Plains and the north. It has the advantages of good meat quality, fast fencing and up to 25-30 kilograms in a hundred days.

  • How much is a butterfly dog market price? Three ways to train and obey!

    How much is a butterfly dog market price? Three ways to train and obey!

    Butterfly dog, also known as babylon dog, butterfly ear dog, named after the ears like butterflies, is a relatively ancient dog in our country, cute appearance is very likable, many people like to raise one, that butterfly dog market price about how much money a? How? One, two.

    2020-11-11 butterfly dog market price probably more less money one three
  • Producing area of dachshund dog

    Producing area of dachshund dog

    The country of origin of the dachshund is Germany, and the dachshund is smart, understanding and loyal to its owner, so it is an excellent companion dog; in addition, it is good at barking and vigilant, and can also be used as a guard dog. First, the morphological characteristics of dachshund dogs. Dachshund dogs are different. They are long and have legs.

    2020-11-11 Sausage dog origin sausage yes Germany
  • How to raise a Xishi Dog? what kind of dog food should you eat?

    How to raise a Xishi Dog? what kind of dog food should you eat?

    Xishi dog is a kind of dog originally from Xizang in China, which is distributed in many countries in the world and is a kind of dog with high breeding value. Nowadays, many people don't know how to raise a Shih Dog after buying it home. In fact, there are some of them.

    2020-11-08 Xi Shi dog how raise dog eat what dog food good